Casual Glam

Top and Capri Jeans: Old Navy // Bag and Sandals: //
Necklace: // Rings: h&m // Sunglasses: F21 //

Hello blog world. I have been absent for quite a while, and I do apologize. You know how real life takes over...and real life just eats up hours of the day...but anyways, on to my bright and cheery outfit. 

This was my Saturday outfit. Last month I started a new, full time job so I only really get to wear my "fun" outfits during the weekend. Well, not to say I don't try to be "fun" in my work outfits, but it's just a different kind of "fun". 

I call this outfit "Casual Glam" because it has both elements of casual and glam. Casual because of the jeans and tank top, and glam because of the sequins, glitter and fanciness of the necklace. I love doing Casual Glam because it's surprising and unpredictable. :) So if you have a super duper fancy necklace, bag, or any other accessory, pair it with something really casual, and voila,  you will be "Casual Glam"! :) 

Marie xoxo

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