Chapter 39

This year I turned 39.
It sounds so old to me but at the same time it doesn't.
JLo/Jennifer Lopez turned 50, and that's old.
I'm not really fond of her, 
but I respect her for her work ethic and for keeping in great shape,
(also part of her 'job' but still nonetheless, awesome.)

Also once upon a time, I was one of those people who 
saying how old I was.
Now I guess you could say I'm getting too old to care?
Or I've learned to embrace age and see it as a part of life?

The older I get, the more I realize how life and time is precious.
The more I realize how important it is to stay optimistic and hopeful.
How important it is to stay away from negativity and anything toxic, 
speaking literally and figuratively.
(people, situations, places, etc.) 

In my 39 years, I feel like I've tried to "do it all" 
but at the same time, sometimes I feel like I 
haven't done enough.

I got married in my early 20's and had all 3 kids in my 20's.
I wanted to be a "working mom" so in between us moving every 3 years
(military life) I tried to stay "employed" as much as I could. 
It didn't work out the way I wanted sometimes,
(For kid #1 and #3, I stayed home the longest for different reasons)
and I worked all types of jobs. 
Looking back, it wasn't truly what I really "wanted", but I did it to be a 
working mom, and to be a 2 income family.
What I mean by "it wasn't what I truly wanted" is that I didn't 
want to work random jobs here and there, but I wish I had
a "career" established. I do have a Bachelor of Science degree in
Computer Studies, but I never really gained a "career" from it. 
The only job I ever had that was sort of related to my degree was when I worked
at an Internet Cafe as a supervisor. 

So in my 39th year, I plan on going after a dream
 I've dreamed of for almost 10 years.
For now, I will not share exactly what it is, so that instead of being all talk,
I will actually be "all action". 
Maybe once I have achieved this dream, I will mention what it is.

What I learned at 39?
This sounds so cliche, but it never truly is too late to go after your goals 
and dreams no matter how old you are.

No, it's not too late.
No, you're not too old.

Oh, and stop comparing yourself to other people!
Their story is NOT your story.
Your chapter 39 might be different than
their chapter 39, but THAT IS TOTALLY OKAY. 
I had trouble with comparisons too, 
but you really have to focus
on your own life and choose to be inspired
by those who are successful, 
of others who are successful.

Don't get me wrong, I totally have my bad days where I feel 
like the sorriest loser on the planet. 
It's really depressing sometimes,
 but I get through it, and I go back to being my optimistic self. 

My goals in life are rather simple:

Continue raising our kids to be good people.
Spend time with loved ones.
Enjoy Life. 

With that being said, the day before my 39th birthday, 
my husband and I went to one of Okinawa's best cafes by the ocean.
I had brunch and booze, because what's better than that?!

On my actual birthday, my sister and I went to eat what else but TACOS?! 
The tacos here were really tiny, and $$$ but they were delish.
The photo makes the tacos look huge but trust me, they were the size of my hand,
and I have a tiny hand! hahahahahaa

What can I say? Simple things like brunch, booze and tacos make me happy.
And of course spending time with loved ones. 
Remember to enjoy life and do what makes you happy!
Thanks for reading. 
(I also linked similar items to my birthday outfits.) 
I kept my outfits rather simple but also fun, nothing too crazy. :)


Not Dressed As Lamb #iwillwearwhatilike link up
Melissa Mom with Style Weekend Wear Linkup


  1. Happy 39! Life doesn't look exactly like I had thought it would look like at 44 but I am pretty content and blessed!

    1. Thank you! Yes I completely agree! Thank you for your lovely comment. :)
